Our office hours are Monday through Thursday 9:00a to 4:00p, and Friday 9:00a and 12:00p. However, we are a small office with only one office staff (Caitlin). There are times when Caitlin is helping other patients, away from her desk, or out of the office. If you call and leave a voicemail, she will get back to you as soon as possible. We care about providing you a good experience and take every phone message as one of importance. Our contact number is (319) 358-6520. You may also send us an email at contact@hopesprings.net.
We do not require a referral to schedule. If you are interested in scheduling, please complete our New Client Request form or give us a call and Caitlin will respond to you as soon as possible.
STEP 1: Complete our New Client Request form or call us at (319) 358-6520. Be sure to check your insurance benefits to verify that the service you are requesting is covered by your plan.
STEP 2: Wait for Caitlin to email or call you to schedule.
STEP 3: Once scheduled, that’s it! Caitlin will email you a week prior to your scheduled intake with forms and/or questionnaires to complete. Intakes are done via Zoom, so she will also email you a day or two prior to your appointment with a Zoom link.
Services are being provided virtually via Zoom until further notice. Some appointments may be offered in-person depending on the provider and depending on necessity.
EVALUATION/ASSESSMENT. Current wait time for a neuropsychological evaluation/assessment is six (6) to nine (9) months.
ADULT THERAPY. We are not accepting any additional adult therapy clients at this time. You are welcome to complete this form to be added to a general waitlist. Our staff will email you to confirm your addition to the waitlist, and we will follow up as soon as there is an opening. This could be six (6) months at minimum.
CHILD THERAPY. We DO NOT have any child therapy providers/services to offer at this time. Thank you for your patience. If you have more questions, feel free to email us at contact@hopesprings.net.

We do not have crisis services available. If you or a family member are in crisis, you can…
- …call 911 if there is an immediate safety risk.
- …go to your local emergency room.
- …call the Johnson County 24-hour CRISIS LINE at (319) 351-0140.