Healthy Engagement with Sports

Sportsmanship (and compassion for people) is important in both the participation and viewing of sports Sports are a common past-time for many of us.  I was watching the big Bears/Packers rivalry game this week, and saw Aaron Rodgers leave the field with a very painful, and very distressing, injury. I went online to see if […]


Checking news on devices

How to Survive Tragic News Headlines

There have been many tragic events in the news lately. Whenever we even look at headlines, we are alerted to heartbreak, both locally and abroad. Because of the 24-hour news cycle, messages about shootings, plane crashes, assaults, abuse and human rights violations are always present.

The news can be violent, depressing and emotionally-charged. It may feel like our world is deteriorating quickly, even when it’s not.


Why Kindness Is Good for You!

Kindness is an important concept to understand. We are programmed to be kind to one another, even though sometimes it seems that the world has lost this instinct. You can train yourself to be kinder, and as a result, you may also be happier, healthier, and find more meaning in your life. Kindness makes us […]


Angry Cat

What to Do When You’re Really Angry

Getting angry is a part of life. None of us will live a life free of stressors, and sometimes, whether we want it to or not, anger bubbles up as we try to deal with our stress. Anger is natural, but the behaviors that come out of anger can be scary, hurtful, and harmful. Below […]



The Power of “AND”

“And” is a word that we don’t often think about.  It is quite powerful Let’s start by looking at the following examples “I really liked your presentation, but I think you could make a few improvements” What do you take away from that statement? Do you think you would walk away thinking “boy, that person […]


social media depression

When Social Media Depression Happens to You

Marissa opened her Facebook page, and saw a picture of her college roommate with her family.  Her college roommate was celebrating her 15th wedding anniversary, and shared a picture of herself and her family on a Disney cruise to the Caribbean, with a hashtag of #itsawonderfullife.  Marissa groaned, and then started to cry.  Not only […]


Self-Care Practices for Work or School

“I should be able to do this better,” thinks April.  “I just can’t get this project to go well.  My work is so hard!”  April, like many people, is feeling frustrated and upset about a task at her workplace.  As a result, she blames herself, which likely increases her stress, sadness, and job satisfaction.  Some […]



Defusion: You Are Not Your Thoughts

“I am so stupid, I can’t believe I did that!”  Cathy yelled out loud and hit her steering wheel.  Unintentionally, she just backed her car into a fire hydrant.  Her car was damaged, she was going to be late, and her stress was high.  Worst of all, at some point, she had to tell her […]



Getting Through the Last of Winter

Here in eastern Iowa, we have had a huge March snow, with a likely April snow ahead. The winter has been long, and many of us are feeling it. Given that we can’t control (or even reliably predict) the weather, especially here in Iowa, here are a few tips for pushing through until the warmth […]



Perfectionism: A Cultural Epidemic in Teens

Perfectionism, or the tendency to want to do everything flawlessly, is often associated with increased stress and anxiety.  Perfectionism combines excessively high personal standards (“I have to do my best at everything”), as well as feelings of failure if the person falls short of those benchmarks.  Oftentimes, our need to be perfect stems from fear.  […]
