What Kindness Means to Me: Dr. Mollie Burke

          My story begins the night before I moved away to college. I remember the stillness of the house, the wind streaming through the open window next to my bed, lying awake and grappling with the realization that everything would change in the morning.  A soft knock echoed in the room, and my mom popped […]


What Kindness Means to Me: Caitlin Hayes

“Give me a Brake!” Caitlin Hayes It was my first year on my own It had to be close to one hundred degrees outside, and my little 1994 Ford Taurus didn’t have A/C. I pulled into the Kirkwood parking lot and went to class. When I came out, my car wouldn’t start, so I called […]


Savor and Observe What You Consume

We are a culture that CONSUMES We are great consumers of food, coffee, alcohol, information, clothes, cars, concerts – if there is a thing, and that thing is good, we consume as much of it as we can. Sometimes, this tendency is harmless; then again, sometimes, it’s a pretty big problem. One of the ways […]



Burnout Can Be Real and Requires Care

Burnout is a common experience, particularly among high-achieving people.  It can occur in tweens, teens, and adults.  Often, burnout can occur as a result of employment roles, but also other care-giving roles, such as those of parents and helpers. What is burnout? Burnout is defined as a state of chronic, enduring stress.  It is characterized […]


Holding lights in winter

What Kindness Means to Me: Cindy Anderson

The Power of Kindness “What are you doing for the holidays?” my friend asked me as we were eating dinner together a few weeks Christmas. I explained that we going to see my spouse’s family out of town for a few days.  “But I’m not sure how well I’m going to do with it,” I […]


Kindness Month

New!!! Hope Springs Kindness Initiative

Happy New Year from Hope Springs! As part of our office’s New Year Resolutions, we want to work on spreading a little more kindness in our community. This February, we are putting on a month-long effort to increase acts of kindness in the community. Here are a few things we wanted you to know: (1)  […]



Hope Is an Active Process

“Having hope in the face of despair, doesn’t mean we’ve extinguished fear or whatever else we’re feeling. It means that we choose to go on in the face of it; we can feel discomfort while also being in touch with other parts of ourselves and our experiences. We don’t let despair, anger, whatever it is, define our entire world.”

…..Sharon Salzberg


The Gratitude Tree

For those of you who have not visited lately, there is a tree in the hallway outside our office. It’s not a real tree in the vegetative sense, but merely in the artistic sense. The tree is just a large sticker, and next to it, a sign asks, “What are your grateful for?” Simply take a post-it leaf or bird, write one small thing that you are thankful for, and put it on the tree.


7 Quick Tips About Gratitude

Being grateful doesn’t mean finding good things to drown out the bad, or to somehow say that you’re not allowed to feel grumpy because you have things to be grateful for. Ultimately, it’s trying to remind ourselves that often we have both; that our lives are both wonderful and difficult, light and heavy, fun and frustrating. It’s taking on a practice that says maybe sometimes you get to be grumpy and grateful.
