Wearing mask for coronavirus

Responding to Coronavirus Anxiety

Today, the World Health Organization declared coronavirus, also referred to as COVID-19, a pandemic. COVID-19 has a lot of people scared, and understandably so. Here’s a little about what we can all do to respond our fear:  Take care of your health. Don’t go places when you are sick. Reduce the people that you are […]


Holding cat

Mental Health and Self-Care When You’re Sick

Chances are that you or someone you know has gotten sick in the last month. As we lead into the new year, with frigid temperatures and a return to routine (school and work), it’s likely that there will be more waves of viruses and colds moving through. Getting sick often involves all parts of our […]


How to Help Your Child Open Up to You.

Helping Your Child Open Up to You

Children commonly have a hard time talking to their parents. It can be hard to open up. For some, it is a normal developmental stage. Other children are described by parents as shy or sensitive.   Additionally, children with anxiety or depression often keep difficult thoughts, feelings, and experiences to themselves.    There are many reasons that children […]



The Summer Before College: 7 Tips for Parents and Teens

The summer before college represents a huge transition between high school graduation and leaving for school in the fall. Families are proud, excited, worried, and quite busy. There is much to do and prepare for, especially if that teen is headed to college in the fall. The summer after graduation is an exciting and overwhelming […]
