What is Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)?
- Trauma-Focused CBT is relationship-based. Your therapist will get to know you and your child, and work with you to feel better. Children and their parents attend sessions together.
- Also, it uses trauma-sensitive therapy along with with cognitive behavioral, family, and humanistic work.
- Importantly, the focus is to help young people who have emotional concerns related to traumatic life events.

How long does Trauma Focused CBT typically last?
- TF-CBT is designed to last 12 to 16 sessions. Over 80 percent of traumatized children who receive this treatment improve after 12 to 16 sessions.
- Treatment may be provided for longer periods depending upon your child’s or family’s needs.
- TF-CBT can be used as part of a larger treatment plan for children with complex difficulties.
Who is Trauma Focused CBT for?

- This treatment targets children and adolescents (ages 3 to 18) and their parents.
- The children or adolescents who are treated with TF-CBT have emotional problems (e.g., symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, fear, anxiety, or depression) related to traumatic life events.
- Additionally, children or adolescents experiencing traumatic grief can also benefit from this treatment.
During treatment, children and parents learn new skills to help:
- Sort through the thoughts and feelings related to traumatic life events
- Decrease distressing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
- Improve safety, growth, parenting skills, and family communication
Does Trauma Focused CBT work?
- Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral therapy is the most well-supported and effective treatment for children who have experienced trauma.
- Also, multiple clinical research studies consistently have found it to help children with PTSD and other trauma-related problems.
- Furthermore, TF-CBT was rated a “Well-supported, efficacious treatment”, the highest level of empirical support in the U.S. Department of Justice sponsored report Child Physical and Sexual Abuse: Guidelines for Treatment.
- Additionally, TF-CBT was selected as a “Best Practice” for cases of child abuse in the Kaufman Best Practices Task Force Final Report sponsored by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

Does Hope Springs Behavioral Consultants Provide TF-CBT?
We use these techniques regularly in our clinical practice. Moreover, Dr. Anderson has provided training and professional presentations on TF-CBT to other psychologists and mental health professionals who work with children.