Mom reading to daughter

Dialogic Reading: A Strategy to Help

Dialogic reading is a way to teach reading to children by having conversations with an adult about the book while they are reading together. What is involved in dialogic reading? Dialogic reading is an interactive strategy, meaning that the child and parent read together.  This strategy is helpful because it helps increase the child’s interest […]


Self-Care Practices for Work or School

“I should be able to do this better,” thinks April.  “I just can’t get this project to go well.  My work is so hard!”  April, like many people, is feeling frustrated and upset about a task at her workplace.  As a result, she blames herself, which likely increases her stress, sadness, and job satisfaction.  Some […]



Defusion: You Are Not Your Thoughts

“I am so stupid, I can’t believe I did that!”  Cathy yelled out loud and hit her steering wheel.  Unintentionally, she just backed her car into a fire hydrant.  Her car was damaged, she was going to be late, and her stress was high.  Worst of all, at some point, she had to tell her […]



Perfectionism: A Cultural Epidemic in Teens

Perfectionism, or the tendency to want to do everything flawlessly, is often associated with increased stress and anxiety.  Perfectionism combines excessively high personal standards (“I have to do my best at everything”), as well as feelings of failure if the person falls short of those benchmarks.  Oftentimes, our need to be perfect stems from fear.  […]


Learning Disability

How to Talk to Your Child about Her Learning Disability

“Just like our fingerprints, people are all different.  It’s no surprise that we learn differently too.” The above explanation is one that I often provide to young people when they are diagnosed as having learning disabilities.  I also explain to them that most of the time, our schools teach the most common, and sometimes the […]
